The 2023 scientific meeting of the Australasian Chronobiology Society will be held in Adelaide, at Ayers House, on Tuesday November 7th, 2023. You can download the program for the meeting here.
Our keynote speaker for this year will be Dr David Cunnington. Dr David Cunnington is a specialist sleep physician at Sunshine Coast Respiratory and Sleep, and co-founder of the online sleep resource ‘‘. David trained in sleep medicine both in Australia and at Harvard Medical School. In addition to training in sleep medicine, David has also completed training and achieved qualifications as an International Sleep Specialist, Fellow of American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Diplomat of Behavioral Sleep Medicine and Registered Polysomnographic Technologist. Having credentials in a range of specialities in sleep as well as his experience in practicing sleep medicine for 20 years gives David a broad perspective on sleep. Dr Cunnington’s talk is entitled “Transitioning to the clinic: Is circadian medicine ready for prime time?”, and we look forward to hearing from him!
PeerJ Collaboration and Call for Papers
PeerJ have kindly agreed to offer two awards again this year, one for a student abstract submission and one for an Early Career Researcher. The winner of each publication award will receive a waiver for the open access fees for one submission to PeerJ. You can indicate your interest in being considered for these awards when you submit your abstract.
About PeerJ Life & Environment
PeerJ Life & Environment is an award winning Open Access journal publishing peer reviewed primary research and reviews in biology, life sciences, environmental sciences, and medicine. The journal is comprehensively indexed (Web of Science SCIE/JCR, Scopus Q1, Pubmed Central, MEDLINE and more) with competitive publication metrics (Impact Factor: 2.7, Citescore: 4.7, 3-year citation average: 5).
Call for Papers
Submissions are now open for the PeerJ Life & Environment Special Issue Biological Clocks and Social Organization. Edited by Dr. Rosanna Giordano (Florida International University) and Prof. Tugrul Giray (University of Puerto Rico), this Special Issue invites submissions of research articles and literature reviews focused on the role of biological clocks and circadian rhythms across all levels of social organization.